Printable Student Dictionary


Solve the “How do I spell . . . ?” problem with personal student dictionaries!

This print & go spelling and/or editing resource includes all of those words that your 2nd and 3rd grade students are always asking about.

This personalized student dictionary includes 1,200 Commonly Spelled Words and 24 Themed Word Lists PLUS blank spaces for students to keep track of their personalized Words to Learn lists as you conference during Writer’s Workshop.

Give every student a copy or keep 5-10 copies in your writing center as an editing tool.


Included in the Student Dictionary Resource:

  • 2 Cover Choices
  • Notes for Teachers
  • 1,200 Common Word List (10 pages) – Alphabetized and numbered list with guide words – 1,000 most commonly used words in writing and variations of these words with common endings

Themed Word Lists:

  • Calendar Words (Days of the week, Months, Holidays, Seasons)
  • Numbers
  • School
  • Clothing
  • Colors
  • Family
  • Home
  • Human Body
  • Geography
  • Sports and Games
  • Science
  • Holidays (Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Earth Day, Easter)
  • More Holidays (Fourth of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas/Winter Holiday)

Inside the download you will find 1 Zip folder with 2 PDF files:

  • PDF #1 Uses the typewriter font for the 1,200 Common word list & print font for themed lists
  • PDF #2 Uses print font for all lists

Classroom Tips & Details

Every student can keep a “Personal Dictionary” in a resource folder which stays in his/her desk all year long. You can introduce the personal dictionary during your first time modeling how to edit a writer’s workshop piece.

I do not use a cover for the dictionary since a number of copies are already needed, but 2 cover options are included if you would like to use one for your students. If you copy the entire packet (without a cover) front to back it requires 13 pages per student. If you can’t use that many pages per kiddo, I recommend making a copy of the 1,200 Common Words pages (pg. 5-14) for every student and then making 5-10 copies of the themed word lists to keep in your classroom library or writing center for students to reference.

The themed pages are ordered by the lists my 2-3 students typically use most, from calendar words to geography. There are 3 pages of holiday lists at the end of the packet, but you should only need 2 since there are 2 versions of the 4th of July-Christmas page. One uses the term “Christmas” and the other uses “Winter Holiday” depending on how you typically refer to this time of year at your school. Please make sure you decide which one you need before printing the pack so you don’t have extra unneeded copies.

How it works

Students should use their personal dictionaries when proofreading writer’s workshop pieces, as well as any time they need to spell something during another subject area like math explanations or writing in their reader’s response journals. The only time you might frown upon students using these is during the writer’s workshop drafting phrase, since you don’t want the need for perfection keeping students from writing down all of their ideas. However, if you have a student who refuses to move on until a word is spelled correctly (there’s always a few of these sweeties), then these word lists can be very helpful (although time consuming) for them to use during drafting. If it’s a choice between tears or spelling something correctly during drafting, settle for tear-free.

What’s to love about student dictionaries

  • Since every student has one of these at their desk, they always have a tool to help them whenever they might be tempted to yell “How do you spell . . . ?”.
  • Students can use these as editing tools during writer’s workshop, or any other independent work time when you aren’t able to assist them with spelling.
  • When you are working on anything involving writing and a student needs to know how to spell a word, you can just say “Look at #213,” and the student knows exactly what to do (Go check out #213 on the 1,200 word list).
  • There are blank lines on every page of the 1,200 Common Words list so students can write in words they have needed to spell in their writing that might not be on the list or words they have missed on spelling tests.
  • The themed lists are very useful when students are working on common 2nd and 3rd grade stories. Many of the family, school, and seasonal words students often have questions about are included in these lists.
  • There are a number of blank lines on the final page of the Common Words list as well as an extra page entirely of blank lines so students can keep track of the words they have needed to spell throughout the year in their writer’s workshop pieces in one place. Whenever a student needs a word spelled that is not on one of the lists, you can write it on a post-it or in their writer’s notebook, and they can then write it correctly on their Words to Learn List for subsequent word work practice or reference for future writing pieces.
  • The guide words at the top of every page on the 1,200 Common Words list are a good way to introduce this concept to students. All lists are in alphabetical order so words should be easy to find and students can practice their alphabetizing skills while looking for words they need.

Teacher Testimonials

“WOW! This is such a great product for my 3rd graders, I love that it has space for them to add their own words. The amount of words that it offers is unbelievable! Thank you so much!” -Kayla H.

My 2nd graders love their dictionaries! They now are much more willing to go back and fix spelling mistakes, they feel more in charge of their own. Great resource! -Mary T.

“This is a great resource! I don’t have much wall space for a word wall so this is a perfect substitute!” -Susan Y.

“This is such a time saver! I love it and fewer interruptions with the question “How do you spell….” Thank you!” -Stacy H.

“I need something to support a struggling writer and this is a great resource.” -Debbie W.

“This resource is very well organized and thorough. My students enjoy using this when writing.” -Christina G.

“Just what my students needed! I love that you allowed spaces at the bottom of each page to add their own words in. Thank you!” -Rachel C.

Download Details

Type of File: Zip file with 2 Secured PDF digital download files
Total Pages: 29 pages in each PDF file

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You can also purchase this product at Teachers Pay Teachers HERE.


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