Leprechaun Traps Pictures, PowerPoint, and Printable Freebies
If you’re looking for a quick St. Patrick’s Day art project, or even a longer STEM building project Leprechaun Traps could be just the ticket. Here are a few pics of traps my students have made in past years. All of these pictures are included in the free PowerPoint as well.
Although this used to be a staple in my classroom during the month of March, I’ve since shied away from giving this as a homework option as parents tended to become stressed out maniacs and no teacher needs 30 stressed out maniacs with access to their e-mail account around parent conference time (or really any time). However, if time permits, this can be a worthwhile hands on problem solving project that lets students be creative and have fun (imagine that!) with the holiday while working on their teamwork skills. Even if I don’t have time for the art or building project, at the very least I like to use the PowerPoint with completed trap photos as an inferencing activity. Click here or on the picture below to download the freebie from my store.