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Practice Perimeter, Area & Fractions with Math Mosaics
Need a fun math activity to review perimeter, area, and fractions? Try math mosaics!
This art/math project is pretty easy to prep (just cut squares), is fun for students at a variety of academic levels, and makes a super cute hall display.
Just cut out a bunch of colored squares (keep them as close to one-inch squares as you can get without going crazy), get some large white art paper for each student, and you’re ready to go.
In these photos, students created self portraits and then found the perimeter, area, and fractions that would make their art pieces “Math Mosaics.”
How do students find the perimeter you ask? Have them count each square around the outside edge until they find the total perimeter in inches (each square should be roughly cut to one inch).
Did you try math mosaics with your students? How did it go? Let me know in the comments!
Have a fab day Super Teacher,
Those are so cute! What a great idea.
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Liliris @ The Fourth Grade Garden
Oh my gosh! How cute is this! I wish had seen this idea! I am now a follower!
Thanks so much! I'm headed over to your blog right now.
I'm so glad you like it. Thanks Mandy!
I'm super excited about your there, their, they're packet. We were just reviewing this last week!
These came out so cute! I did something similiar with my class inspired by the Pin on Pinterest. My kiddos just made a variety of things: logging truck, swords, flowers etc. and they did perimeter and area too.
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I just found your blog on Pinterest and I love your ideas! Thanks for your posts!
Just saw this on Pinterest 🙂 Awesome idea, thanks! I am your newest follower. Also love your super bowl project on TPT. Thank you 🙂
from Well, Michelle?
Stop by if you can 🙂
Super cute idea! I'm definitely going to make this one of my stations. We start this unit in a few weeks! I'm also your newest follower.
Katie @Sixth Grade Scribbles
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I just saw this on pinterest. I love this idea!! I am going to post this great find on my site and link back to you. What a cute and creative way to work with fractions, area, and perimeter in one!
My middle school students just completed this activity for our 100th Saxon Math Lesson party. I too created a hallway BB. These fraction people are just too cute not to share. I linked back to your blog. Thanks for sharing! I found you on Pinterest and enjoy your blog – all kinds of cuteness 🙂
I love this idea,
just a little confused as to how some of them got the area?
I mean perimeter!!
Great for back to school night! Thanks!