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4 Easy Ideas for Teaching Perimeter & Area

Are you looking for some easy area and perimeter ideas to add to your measurement unit? Try one of these activities to add some fun to your 2nd or 3rd grade lesson plans Super Teacher!

If you're looking for a fun perimeter or area math activity try this math mosaic art project! An easy way for elementary students to practice perimeter and area. All you need is construction paper squares! Fun for students and easy for teachers. Plus it makes a darling bulletin board display. Perfect for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade! Click for more examples and instructions. #math #perimeter #area #2ndgrade #3rdgrade #4thgrade #5thgrade

Area & Perimeter Idea #1: Math Mosaic

All you need for this activity is a piece of large art paper for every student, and lots of one-inch squares of different colored construction paper.

Have students create a picture (we did self portraits) using the squares.

Then have them find the area and perimeter of their math mosaic.

You can also have students write fractions that pertain to their mosaic

Have them count the total number of squares used. This will be their denominator. 

Then, each color they used in their mosaic can be totaled to give them different numerators (6/45 red squares). 

See more pictures of students’ finished math mosaics at the blog HERE.

Area & Perimeter Idea #2: The Magic Pentomino

Next up, another easy way to practice area and perimeter using pentominoes. 

Play “find the magic pentomino” by having students determine the area and perimeter of every pentomino piece.

The “magic” pentomino is the one that is different from the rest.

Every pentomino has the same area (5 square units), but one will have a different perimeter. 

See pictures of students’ math notebooks while finding the magic pentomino at the blog HERE.

Area & Perimeter Idea #3: Songs

Try these three videos to help students remember the definitions of area & perimeter.

The first two are great for helping students remember the difference between perimeter and area as well as how to find the answer to area and perimeter problems.

They’re both simple and have catchy tunes.

The cat video above has good visuals (and better production quality).

Area & Perimeter Idea #4: Ready, Set, Show! Game

If you’re looking for a fun paperless practice activity, you can grab Ready, Set, Show! Perimeter and Area from one of the Super Teacher stores. 

Download, add white boards, and you’re ready to go!

There are three versions of the activity included:

  • Perimeter only
  • Area only
  • Perimeter and Area

So, whether you want to practice perimeter and area separately or together, you’ll be all set.

You can find Ready, Set, Show! Area & Perimeter at the Super Teacher blog here or at TpT here.

I hope these ideas help add an easy activity or two to your measurement unit.

Have a fab day Super Teacher,

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