Back to School Scavenger Hunt Around the Room Fun
This free classroom scavenger hunt is a perfect back to school activity for your 2nd or 3rd grade elementary classroom! It’s an easy way to introduce students to all of your classroom supplies, and serves as a fun around the room activity during those first days of school.
Need a FREE back to school activity? Try this classroom scavenger hunt with your 2nd or 3rd grade kids.
This editable freebie is an easy way to introduce students to classroom supplies and learning areas, PLUS it counts as a much needed brain break on one of those crazy back to school afternoons!
All you need to do is edit the free printable pages and add this idea to your FUN back to school activity pile for the beginning of the school year.
During the first week teachers like to minimize questions such as:
“Missmith Missmith!” (This and “mom” with an embarrassed look, will be your official names from August to May)
“Where are the pencils?”
“Where is the paper?”
“Where are the Band-aids?”
Where are the tissues (this question is asked silently as a cute little eight year old stares at you while nastiness runs out his/her nostrils and close to his/her lip).
To avoid many of these questions try this editable classroom scavenger hunt on day 2 of school.
It’s easy to do. Just customize the editable freebie, tape numbers (included) on the items around your classroom, makes copies, and then get-a-hunting.
Back to School Classroom Scavenger Hunt Instructions
1. Use the editable freebie to customize the items on the scavenger hunt page you want students to “hunt” for in your classroom. Think about all of your classroom supplies or classroom areas you want them to familiarize themselves with in the next few days (tissues, markers, highlighters, white boards, lamps, classroom library, carpet, easel, mentor texts, pencil sharpener, line up area, coat rack)
2.  Cut out the numbers and tape them on the items around the room you customized on your editable scavenger hunt page. Make sure you get a number on EVERY one or chaos can ensue during the activity tomorrow. Try to do this after school so students come to your classroom the next day and start wondering what these mysterious numbers are for.
3. When introducing the activity to students, model how to “hunt” for items by walking around the room quietly, looking at the number carefully, finding the classroom item on their scavenger hunt page, and writing down the item number by the correct item label on the scavenger hunt sheet.
4.  Come up with an “extra credit” fun question about your room for the kidlets who finish a bit early. (Mine is “How many Olivias can you find around the room?”)
Want the freebie? Head over to TpT to download the editable Classroom Scavenger Hunt, which includes all the pages shown above.
Now, whenever a kiddo asks you “Missmith Missmith! Where are the tiss . . . .” you can open your eyes wide and say in your kindest teacher voice, “Remember the scavenger hunt we did on the first week of school?”
Have a fab day and happy hunting Super Teacher,
Love the scavenger hunt for stuff IN the classroom!! We always do one around the school to get familiarized with everything, but I just love this idea (and cringe at the's already rearing its ugly head in my classroom!). I'm your newest follower & would love for you to stop by! Oh, and love your blog look!! 🙂
First Grade Fairytales
I like your new blog design! Thanks for the list of blog giveaways. I can't wait to check them out. I'd like to invite you over to my blog for my new linky party called "Fun Friday." It is all about the fun things we do in our classrooms all week! I'd love for you to stop by and link up!
Teaching Fourth
Sounds like a fun activity and it eliminates all those questions…I'm in! I'm trying this when this year starts. I usually play a quiz game where they have to answer questions about rules and procedures and this will be a nice activity leading up to that!